In India and further

Page still to be deve­lopped
However, several pictures are already available in the section “medias”.

Homily of Claire Vellut at KUL Leuven (02 Feb.1989)
Christmas letter of Claire (2002)
Christmas letter of Claire (2006)
Article commu­ni­cated by ALERT-India, Mumbai

1980 Claire leaves Polambakkam and begins a “nomadic” life across India : orga­ni­zation of two new centers for the treatment of leprosy in Dehri-on-Sone (Bihar) and Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh, until 1986), on behalf of the Damien Foundation; parti­ci­pation in the evaluation of the leprosy program in several States, parti­ci­pating in the deve­lopment of the “Swaminathan Report” defining the new National Policy to eradicate leprosy in India; parti­ci­pating in the WHO study-group on the new multidrug-therapy in leprosy (1981), and working out the protocol for a controlled study of multidrug-therapy trials that begin at Polambakkam (1982); consultant for WHO and SIDA (Sweden) in the hyper-endemic district of Purulia (West Bengal, 1982 to 1986) ; consul­tancy assi­gn­ments in the Maldives (1984), Bangladesh (1986 ) and China (1986).

1986 In September, the Government of Tamil Nadu asks Claire to take over again the mana­gement of the Centre in Polambakkam. She has been appointed as Secretary General of the Damien Foundation in India from 1984 to 1992, when she parti­ci­pated in the creation of the “Damien Foundation India Trust” which becomes an asso­ciation of Indian law. (data still to be developed)